Town Administration 2005-2010 |
My regards and welcome to all of you who will be visiting this website on Cansano, and wish at the same time that all the things you will see and admire in this site will remain indelibly in your mind and in your heart, and will make you fall in love with this small abruzzese center. You can visit Cansano whenever you need calm and clean air to restore you, and to relieve you of the stresses caused by the busy city-life. For some it could be a definitive choice to live here permanently, where you can have daily contacts with the people you know well and where it is easier to communicate with others with affection and interest. I wish to give in particular warm regards and welcome to all our dear fellow citizens all over the world especially in the transoceanic countries of America, Australia, and Venezuela who will visit this website and will have the opportunity to ideally relive the times and places since their infancy, the places where they worked, cried, and rejoiced, where they experienced love and suffering. All these sentiments will awaken in you the desire to return here, to your native land, with your children and grandchildren to whom you can impart the love for your place of origin that you never forgot, and tie them (your children and grandchildren) to the ancestral roots with a bond that will never be broken.
The Mayor
Mario Ciampaglione